Indian politics and society, “Jyotiraditya Madhavrao Scindia” was recently elected as a parliamentary member of Lok Sabha from the Guna constituency of MP in 2024. Jyotiraditya was previously a representative of the same constituency from the year 2002 to 2019 but faced defeat for one term before being re-elected in the 2024 general elections. During the term he lost in Lok Sabha, he served as a member of the upper house of parliament, Rajya Sabha, and represented the Madhya Pradesh state. He belongs to a distinguished lineage of politicians as his grandfather, Jiwajirao Scindia ruled in Gwalior during the British Colonial Raj, and even his father, Madhavrao Scindia has been a great politician of India.
In his political career, Jyotiraditya Scindia has held significant positions in the Union cabinet ministry as a minister of steel and civil aviation during his Rajya Sabha member tenure. Presently in the 3.0 government of Modi, he has been appointed as a union cabinet minister of communications and also handling the union Ministry of Development of the North Eastern Region. People of Madhya Pradesh are looking to connect with their political representatives, especially from the Guna region.
Jyotiraditya Scindia WhatsApp Number 2024
There have been so many queries which thousands and lakhs of people put on the internet, about the contact number information of Jyotiraditya Scindia. Because he has been serving as a political representative of Madhya Pradesh and its constituency of Guna, so residents are trying to interact with him and their problems through different sources. But we have compiled all such details in this particular post, so you’re at the right platform to know about Jyotiraditya Scindia’s Whatsapp Phone Number. Let us tell you first about his personal life overview, he was born in the Scindia Royal Maratha family in Mumbai on the date, 1st of January, 1971. His political career began as a sudden move after his father’s death due to a plane crash in Uttar Pradesh and subsequently joined the Indian National Congress.
After joining the INC party, he has represented as a member of parliament for Lok Sabha and has held significant crucial positions in the cabinet ministry. After years of involvement with the INC party, he shifted to BJP, the major ruling party of India due to many dissatisfactions and lack of recognition by the former. He was offered better opportunities for political growth by the latter party and he quickly grabbed it as his potential was not effectively utilized prior. At first, he was given the Union Ministry of Civil Aviation and later took on additional charges & responsibilities of the Ministry of Steel in 2022. Apart from his political contributions, he has been actively involved in many social and community welfare initiatives in his home state, Madhya Pradesh.
MP Jyotiraditya Madhavrao Scindia Contact Number – Overview
Full Name of Politician | Jyotiraditya Madhavrao Scindia |
Date & Place of Birth | 1st January, 1971 in Bombay, Maharashtra, India (Presently Mumbai) |
Age (as of 2024) | 53 Years Old |
Educational Background |
Professional Career | Politician & Entrepreneur |
Political Party Affiliations |
Family Details |
Contact WhatsApp Number | 098681-80692 (Mobile) |
Email Address | jyotiraditya[dot]scindia[at]sansad[dot]nic[dot]in |
Present Office Address | 27 at Safdarjung Road in New Delhi, NCT of Delhi, India, Pincode- 110029 |
About Jyotiraditya Scindia Personal & Professional Life Details
As we have already mentioned, Jyotiraditya, a prominent political figure was born in Mumbai to Late Madhavrao Scindia, an Indian Politician from INC & Madhavi Raje from Nepal’s royal family. He completed his early education at Doon Public School and then pursued graduation with a BA from Harvard University in the United States. Then he was enrolled in a well-renowned and globally regarded college Stanford Graduate School to complete his master’s degree in business administration studies. This educational background gave him a deep understanding of business and management skills. Due to the sudden death of Madhavrao Scindia, his father in an airplane crash, he had to step in his father’s shoes as a politician from the Indian National Congress.
Further, his political life started as a parliamentary member after winning from the Guna constituency of Madhya Pradesh in a by-election. Over the years, he established himself as a great politician and a strong young leader handling various ministries and key roles in the party. Jyotiraditya Scindia was the first time appointed as a union minister of India in the field of Power & Corporate and there he worked for 2 years. Previously he was chosen for serving as minister of state for commerce and industry and thereafter for power. After joining the BJP party in the year 2020, he was given the charge of civil aviation minister under the second Modi government through which he became hugely popular. Talking about his marital life, on 12th December 1994, he was married to Priyadarshini Raje Scindia from Baroda and they have two children, one son Mahanaryaman, and a daughter, Ananya.
Jyotiraditya Scindia PA Contact Details & Other Helpline Numbers
We know you must have many queries to ask the Lok Sabha member, Jyotiraditya Scindia who is currently representing the Guna seat. People from all over the country have been following him and want to connect through his mobile number details. The official phone number and local telephone details are given in this section for people who are highly interested in interacting with their favorite politicians. However, it is very difficult to communicate directly as Jyotiraditya cannot personally handle every person individually.
Local Telephone | (+91) 98681-80692 |
Permanent Phone Number | (0751) 2322390, 2321101 |
Mobile Contact Number | (+91) 96500-22996 |
Fax Number | (0751) 230411, 096500-22*** |
Other Contact Details | Available Below |
Union Minister Jyotiraditya Scindia’s Office Address & Email ID
There are other options available apart from the phone number details like email address, present office address, and others. Without any hesitation, you can drop a formal mail to the official authorities about your concern and wait for the reply.
Permanent Address/ Location | In Jai Vilas Palace in Lashkar of Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh, India & pincode -474001 |
Office Telephone Number | (0751) 2322390, 2321101, 09868180692 (M) |
Fax Number | (0751) 230411, |
Personal Mobile Number | 096500-22996 |
Present Address | 27 at Safdarjung Road in New Delhi, NCT of Delhi, India, Pincode- 110029 |
Email IDs |
Official Website Link | |
Other Contact Details of Jyotiraditya Scindia – SM Links
People may connect with MP Jyotiraditya Scindia through his official social media handles like Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. In today’s world of online communication, social media serves as an effective medium to connect with famous personalities as their official team actively posts regular updates about the person. All his verified handles are given below so that you can directly send a message or comment on the posts.
Instagram Account | |
X Handle | |
Facebook Page | |
LinkedIn Profile | Not Known |