Naveen Patnaik was the longest-serving chief minister of the state and the second longest in the entire country. He has been serving the people of Odisha for the past 24 years but his reign came to an end following his defeat by Shri Mohan Charan Majhi, a Bharatiya Janata Party candidate. He formed the Biju Janata Dal party after his father’s Biju Patnaik demise in the year 1997 and in the same year, Naveen was elected in the parliament as a lok sabha member from Aska constituency. Many followers are still trying to reach out to Naveen Patnaik through his contact number. Quickly scroll down below to continue reading and get all the necessary information.
Naveen Patnaik WhatsApp Mobile Number 2024
As we move ahead, you should know some personal details about Naveen Patnaik, an Indian politician who was born in the Cuttack district of Odisha. His early education was from the Doon school and later enrolled in Kirori Mal College, a Delhi University college to pursue his graduation in BA. He is currently 77 years old and after the death of his father, Bijayananda Patnaik, he has been serving as a chief political figure in the state of Odisha. His career started as a Lok Sabha member and later served as the Union Minister of Steel and Mines under the government of Atal Bihari Vajpayee. Afterward, he was elected as an MLA of Odisha from the Constituency of Hinjili and assumed office on 5th March 2000. On the same date, he was appointed as the chief minister of the state while representing his party, Biju Janata Dal.
During Naveen Patnaik’s tenure, he has focused on various crucial initiatives for improving the lifestyle of citizens including better natural disaster management and healthcare facilities. Many programs have been initiated to combat poverty and foster the socio-economic development of the state. He has remarkably contributed towards the preservation of culture while further solidifying his position as the longest-serving chief minister. Many citizens of Odisha want to connect and interact with their favorite politicians.
Naveen Patnaik Personal & Contact Details – Highlights
Politician Full Name | Naveen Patnaik |
Designation | Former Chief Minister of Odisha, 23rd Leader of Opposition in Odisha Legislative Assembly |
Political Party | Biju Janata Dal – BJD (formed in 1997) |
Date / Place of Birth | 16th October, 1946 in Cuttack, Odisha (Now, 77 years old) |
Father’s Name | Bijayananda or Biju Patnaik |
Spouse Name | Gyan Devi |
Contact Phone Number | His Residence Number: 0674-2590488 |
Email IDs |
Residence Address | Naveen Nivas, at Aerodrome Road in Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India, PINCODE -751009 |
Official Website Link | |
Naveen Patnaik PA Name & Phone Numbers
V Karthikeyan Pandian, a former IAS Officer has served as the Private Secretary to the former Chief Minister of Odisha, Naveen Patnaik for a long time and his contact number details are given below. Other information related to Naveen including his residence telephone number and official website link is given in this section. So you can try to reach him without any hassle.
Office Phone Number | 2536762 |
Residence Number | 0674-2590488, 2395470 |
Office Telephone No | 0674-2590299, 2591100, 2591099 |
Other Office Numbers | 0674-2390902, 0674 253 6682 |
His Fax Number Details | 0674-2535100 |
Call the CM OF ODISHA | Shri Mohan Charan Majhi |
CM Contact Details |
Naveen Patnaik Website Link |
Office Address & E-mail ID of Naveen Patnaik
Official Email IDs |
His Residence Address | Naveen Nivas, at Aerodrome Road in Bhubaneswar, Odisha – 751009 |
Address Phone Number | 2395470 |
Office Address of BJD | At 6R/3, in the 6- Unit, of the Forest Park, in Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India with PIN- 751009 |
Social Media Accounts of Former Odisha CM Naveen Patnaik
Apart from contact number and email address details, people of Odisha can reach out to Naveen Patnaik through his social media handles. Here are all the links to the social media accounts of Naveen Patnaik through which you can connect with him directly. This serves as an easy and great way to connect with your favorite politicians as they actively upload different initiatives and works.
Instagram account | |
His X handle | |
Youtube channel link | |
Facebook Page | |